The ‘re-opening for AFFNO, in 2023, featured? trilingual art workshops hosted by First Nations artists – in English, but with translation in French. Each artist also spoke a bit of their native tongue. The first workshop took place January 29 inside the Prince Rupert Library, featuring Tsimshian/Nisga’a artist Francess Jackson. The workshop was a “Cedar Rose” workshop. Then, on March 10, inside the Terrace Art Gallery, Nisga’a artist Kari Morgan presented a First Nations drawing workshop. Finally, Gitxsan artist Michelle Stoney (who can speak three languages, including French!) presented a paint workshop at Misty Rivers Coop, in New Hazelton, on March 17. For each workshop, more than 20 people participated, including volunteers (note that there was a limit of 20 people per workshop due to space, respect for the artists, etc.) That said, every workshop was free of charge. Thank you to le Patrimoine Canadian for supporting our ‘Re-opening’ and also B.C. Gaming!